Part No | Part Type | Description | Availability | RFQ |
SMBJ20HE3 52 | circuit protection | tvs unidir 600w 20v 10% smb 20v 22.2v 600w unidirectional surface mount do-214aa smb do-214aa (smb) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
1N6289AHE3 73 | circuit protection | tvs unidir 1.5kw 56v 5% 1.5ke 47.8v 53.2v 1500w unidirectional through hole do-201aa do-27 axial 1.5ke tape & box (tb) | Yes | RFQ |
1N6290HE3 73 | circuit protection | tvs unidir 1.5kw 62v 10% 1.5ke 50.2v 55.8v 1500w unidirectional through hole do-201aa do-27 axial 1.5ke tape & box (tb) | Yes | RFQ |
BZW04-31HE3 54 | circuit protection | tvs 400w 31v 5% unidir do-204al 30.8v 34.2v 400w unidirectional through hole do-204al do-41 axial do-204al (do-41) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
BYM13-50HE3 96 | discrete semiconductor | diode schottky 1a 50v do-213ab schottky 50v 1a 700mv @ 1a fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) - 500¦a @ 50v - surface mount do-213ab melf do-213ab tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
P4SMA300CAHE3 61 | circuit protection | tvs 300w 300v 5% bidir sma 256v 285v 400w bidirectional surface mount do-214ac sma do-214ac (sma) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SA130A-E3 54 | circuit protection | tvs unidir 500w 130v 5% axial 130v 144v 500w unidirectional through hole do-204ac do-15 axial do-204ac (do-15) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
P4SMA10CA-E3 61 | circuit protection | tvs 400w 10v 5% bidir sma 8.55v 9.5v 400w bidirectional surface mount do-214ac sma do-214ac (sma) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
3N259-E4 51 | discrete semiconductor | diode bridge 2a 1000v 4sip 1000v 2a single phase standard recovery >500ns > 200ma (io) - through hole 4-sip kbpm tray kbpm | Yes | RFQ |
1 5KE220CA-E3 73 | circuit protection | tvs bidirect 1.5kw 220v 5% 1.5ke 185v 209v 1500w bidirectional through hole do-201aa do-27 axial 1.5ke tape & box (tb) | Yes | RFQ |
P6SMB350AHE3 5B | circuit protection | tvs 600w 350v 5% unidir smb 300v 333v 600w unidirectional surface mount do-214aa smb do-214aa (smb) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
BZW04-7V8HE3 54 | circuit protection | tvs 400w 7.8v 5% unidir do-204al 7.78v 8.65v 400w unidirectional through hole do-204al do-41 axial do-204al (do-41) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SMAJ40-E3 61 | circuit protection | tvs unidirect 400w 40v 10% sma 40v 44.4v 400w unidirectional surface mount do-214ac sma do-214ac (sma) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
P4KE200CA-E3 54 | circuit protection | tvs 400w 200v 5% bidir axial 171v 190v 400w bidirectional through hole do-204al do-41 axial do-204al (do-41) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
P6KE51C-E3 54 | circuit protection | tvs 600w 51v 10% bidir axial 41.3v 45.9v 600w bidirectional through hole do-204ac do-15 axial do-204ac (do-15) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
S1M-E3 5AT | discrete semiconductor | diode gpp 1a 1000v sma do-214ac standard 1000v (1kv) 1a 1.1v @ 1a standard recovery >500ns > 200ma (io) 1.8¦s 5¦a @ 1000v - surface mount do-214ac sma do-214ac (sma) digi-reel« | Yes | RFQ |
P6SMB480AHE3 52 | circuit protection | tvs 600w 480v 5% unidir smb 408v 456v 600w unidirectional surface mount do-214aa smb do-214aa (smb) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SMB10J10-E3 5B | circuit protection | tvs unidir 1kw 10v 10% smb 10v 11.1v 1000w unidirectional surface mount do-214aa smb do-214aa (smb) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
MF3060C-E3 4W | discrete semiconductor | diode schot 30a 60v dual to220 720mv @ 15a 350¦a @ 60v 15a 60v - schottky fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) 1 pair common cathode through hole to-220-3 to-220ab tube | Yes | RFQ |
SMCG11CA-E3 57T | circuit protection | tvs 1.5kw bidir 11v 5% smc 11v 12.2v 1500w bidirectional surface mount do-215ab smc gull wing do-215ab tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SMB8J28CHE3 52 | circuit protection | tvs bidir 800w 28v 10% smb 28v 31.1v 800w bidirectional surface mount do-214aa smb do-214aa (smb) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
TMPG06-15-E3 73 | circuit protection | tvs 400w 15v 10% axial 12.1v 13.5v 400w unidirectional through hole mpg06 axial mpg06 tape & box (tb) | Yes | RFQ |
P6KE30HE3 73 | circuit protection | tvs 600w 30v 10% unidir axial 24.3v 27v 600w unidirectional through hole do-204ac do-15 axial do-204ac (do-15) tape & box (tb) | Yes | RFQ |
SMCJ12AHE3 9AT | circuit protection | tvs 1.5kw bidir 12v 10% smc 12v 13.3v 1500w unidirectional surface mount do-214ab smc do-214ab (smc) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SS5P6-M3 86A | discrete semiconductor | diode schottky 5a 60v smpc schottky 60v 5a 690mv @ 5a fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) - 150¦a @ 60v - surface mount to-277 3-powerdfn to-277a digi-reel« | Yes | RFQ |
SS10P5HM3 86A | discrete semiconductor | diode schottky 10a 50v smpc schottky 50v 7a 550mv @ 7a fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) - 150¦a @ 50v - surface mount to-277 3-powerdfn to-277a tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SMCJ13AHE3 57T | circuit protection | tvs 1.5kw unidir 13v 5% smc 13v 14.4v 1500w unidirectional surface mount do-214ab smc do-214ab (smc) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SMCJ15CA-E3 57T | circuit protection | tvs bidirect 1.5kw 15v 5% smc 15v 16.7v 1500w bidirectional surface mount do-214ab smc do-214ab (smc) cut tape (ct) | Yes | RFQ |
SMAJ8 0CHE3 61 | circuit protection | tvs bidir 400w 8.0v 10% sma 8v 8.89v 400w bidirectional surface mount do-214ac sma do-214ac (sma) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
FES16HTHE3 45 | discrete semiconductor | diode 16a 500v 50ns sgl to220-2 standard 500v 16a 1.5v @ 16a fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) 50ns 10¦a @ 500v - through hole to-220-2 to-220ac tube | Yes | RFQ |
BYM12-200HE3 97 | discrete semiconductor | diode ufast 1a 200v do-213ab standard 200v 1a 1v @ 1a fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) 50ns 5¦a @ 200v - surface mount do-213ab melf do-213ab tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
P6KE540A-E3 73 | circuit protection | tvs 600w 540v 5% unidir axial 459v 513v 600w unidirectional through hole do-204ac do-15 axial do-204ac (do-15) tape & box (tb) | Yes | RFQ |
BZW04-64BHE3 73 | circuit protection | tvs 400w 64v 5% bidir do-204al 64.1v 71.3v 400w bidirectional through hole do-204al do-41 axial do-204al (do-41) tape & box (tb) | Yes | RFQ |
SMCG60AHE3 57T | circuit protection | tvs 1.5kw unidir 60v 5% smc 60v 66.7v 1500w unidirectional surface mount do-215ab smc gull wing do-215ab tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
BYM11-400-E3 97 | discrete semiconductor | diode gpp 1a 400v 150ns do-213ab standard 400v 1a 1.3v @ 1a fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) 150ns 5¦a @ 400v - surface mount do-213ab melf do-213ab tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
DF005S 27 | discrete semiconductor | rectifier bridge 1a 50v 4smd 50v 1a single phase standard recovery >500ns > 200ma (io) - surface mount 4-smd gull wing tape & reel (tr) dfs | Yes | RFQ |
TPSMA18HE3 61T | circuit protection | tvs 400w 18v 10% sma 14.5v 16.2v 400w unidirectional surface mount do-214ac sma do-214ac (sma) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
RS1PJ-E3 85A | discrete semiconductor | diode fast 1a 100v 250ns smp standard 600v 1a 1.3v @ 1a fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) 250ns 1¦a @ 600v - surface mount do-220aa do-220aa (smp) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SM5S22HE3 2D | circuit protection | tvs 5w 22v 10% do-218ab 22v 24.4v 3600w unidirectional surface mount do-218ab do-218ab tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
5KP10A-E3 73 | circuit protection | tvs 5kw unidir 10v 5% p600 10v 11.1v 5000w unidirectional through hole p600 axial p600 tape & box (tb) | Yes | RFQ |
UH1B-E3 5AT | discrete semiconductor | diode 1a 100v 25ns fer do214ac standard 100v 1a 1.05v @ 1a fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) 30ns 1¦a @ 100v - surface mount do-214ac sma do-214ac (sma) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SMA5J8 0HE3 5A | circuit protection | tvs unidir 500w 8.0v 10% sma 8v 8.89v 500w unidirectional surface mount do-214ac sma do-214ac (sma) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
MB6M-E3 45 | discrete semiconductor | diode gpp 0.5a 600v mbm 4dip 600v 500ma single phase standard recovery >500ns > 200ma (io) - through hole 4-dip (0.500"" 12.70mm) tube mbm | Yes | RFQ |
SA24AHE3 73 | circuit protection | tvs unidir 500w 24v 5% axial 24v 26.7v 500w unidirectional through hole do-204ac do-15 axial do-204ac (do-15) tape & box (tb) | Yes | RFQ |
UG2G-E3 73 | discrete semiconductor | diode 2a 200v 15ns uf do204ac standard 400v 2a 950mv @ 2a fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) 25ns 5¦a @ 400v - through hole do-204ac do-15 axial do-204ac (do-15) tape & box (tb) | Yes | RFQ |
P4KA10HE3 73 | circuit protection | tvs 400w 10v 10% axial 8.1v 9v 400w unidirectional through hole do-204al do-41 axial do-204al (do-41) tape & box (tb) | Yes | RFQ |
SMCJ90CHE3 57T | circuit protection | tvs 1.5kw bidir 90v 10% smc 90v 100v 1500w bidirectional surface mount do-214ab smc do-214ab (smc) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SMBJ51CAHE3 5B | circuit protection | tvs bidir 600w 51v 5% smb 51v 56.7v 600w bidirectional surface mount do-214aa smb do-214aa (smb) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
1 5KE200CAHE3 54 | circuit protection | tvs bidirect 1.5kw 200v 5% 1.5ke 171v 190v 1500w bidirectional through hole do-201aa do-27 axial 1.5ke tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
P6SMB18A-E3 5B | circuit protection | tvs 600w 18v 5% unidir smb 15.3v 17.1v 600w unidirectional surface mount do-214aa smb do-214aa (smb) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
MPG06J-E3 54 | discrete semiconductor | diode 1a 600v mini smd mpg06 standard 600v 1a 1.1v @ 1a standard recovery >500ns > 200ma (io) 600ns 5¦a @ 600v - through hole mpg06 axial mpg06 tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SMPZ3920B-E3 85A | discrete semiconductor | diode zener 1.5w 6.2v 5% smp 6.2v 1.5v @ 200ma 200¦a @ 4v * 500mw 2 ohm surface mount do-220aa do-220aa (smp) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SMB8J28C-E3 52 | circuit protection | tvs bidir 800w 28v 10% smb 28v 31.1v 800w bidirectional surface mount do-214aa smb do-214aa (smb) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
RGP30B-E3 54 | discrete semiconductor | diode 3a 100v 150ns do-201ad standard 100v 3a 1.3v @ 3a fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) 150ns 5¦a @ 100v - through hole do-201ad axial do-201ad tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
BY127MGP-E3 73 | discrete semiconductor | diode 1250v 1.75a do-15 standard 1250v (1.25kv) 1.75a 1.5v @ 5a standard recovery >500ns > 200ma (io) 2¦s 5¦a @ 1250v - through hole do-204ac do-15 axial do-204ac (do-15) tape & box (tb) | Yes | RFQ |
BU1510-E3 45 | discrete semiconductor | rectifier bridge 1000v 15a bu 1000v 3.4a single phase standard recovery >500ns > 200ma (io) - through hole 4-sip bu tube 4-bu | Yes | RFQ |
P4SMA30A-E3 61 | circuit protection | tvs 400w 30v 5% unidir sma 25.6v 28.5v 400w unidirectional surface mount do-214ac sma do-214ac (sma) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
1N6279A-E3 54 | circuit protection | tvs unidir 1.5kw 22v 5% 1.5ke 18.8v 20.9v 1500w unidirectional through hole do-201aa do-27 axial 1.5ke tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SMBJ6 5CHE3 52 | circuit protection | tvs bidir 600w 6.5v 10% smb 6.5v 7.22v 600w bidirectional surface mount do-214aa smb do-214aa (smb) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
BYG23M-E3 TR | discrete semiconductor | diode 1.5a 1000v 75ns do-214ac avalanche 1000v (1kv) 1.5a 1.7v @ 1a fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) 75ns 5¦a @ 1000v - surface mount do-214ac sma do-214ac (sma) digi-reel« | Yes | RFQ |
1 5SMC15A-E3 57T | circuit protection | tvs unidir 1.5kw 15v 5% do-214ab 12.8v 14.3v 1500w unidirectional surface mount do-214ab smc do-214ab (smc) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
P4KE27C-E3 73 | circuit protection | tvs 400w 27v 10% bidir axial 21.8v 24.3v 400w bidirectional through hole do-204al do-41 axial do-204al (do-41) tape & box (tb) | Yes | RFQ |
FESF16ATHE3 45 | discrete semiconductor | diode 16a 50v 35ns sgl to220-2 standard 50v 16a 975mv @ 16a fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) 35ns 10¦a @ 50v - through hole to-220-2 full pack isolated tab ito-220ac tube | Yes | RFQ |
SMBJ6 5C-E3 5B | circuit protection | tvs bidir 600w 6.5v 10% smb 6.5v 7.22v 600w bidirectional surface mount do-214aa smb do-214aa (smb) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
PTV4 3B-E3 85A | discrete semiconductor | diode zener 1.5w 4.3v smp 4.3v 1.5v @ 200ma 20¦a @ 1v * 600mw 15 ohm surface mount do-220aa do-220aa (smp) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
3KBP02M-E4 51 | discrete semiconductor | diode bridge 3a 200v kbpm 200v 3a single phase standard recovery >500ns > 200ma (io) - through hole 4-sip kbpm tray kbpm | Yes | RFQ |
SMCG36AHE3 9AT | circuit protection | tvs 1.5kw unidir 36v 5% smc 36v 40v 1500w unidirectional surface mount do-215ab smc gull wing do-215ab tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
Z4KE120AHE3 54 | discrete semiconductor | diode zener 1.5w 120v 5% axial 120v 1v @ 500ma 500na @ 91.2v ¦5% 1.5w 700 ohm through hole do-204al do-41 axial do-204al (do-41) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SMP24A-M3 84A | circuit protection | tvs unidirect 400w 24v 5% smp 24v 26.7v 400w unidirectional surface mount do-220aa do-220aa (smp) digi-reel« | Yes | RFQ |
SMBG160A-E3 52 | circuit protection | tvs unidir 600w 160v 5% smb 160v 178v 600w unidirectional surface mount do-215aa smb gull wing do-215aa tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SS3H9HE3 57T | discrete semiconductor | diode schottky 3a 90v smc schottky 90v 3a 800mv @ 3a fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) - 20¦a @ 90v - surface mount do-214ab smc do-214ab (smc) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SS1P5L-E3 84A | discrete semiconductor | diode schottky 1a 50v smp schottky 50v 1a 590mv @ 1a fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) - 100¦a @ 50v - surface mount do-220aa do-220aa (smp) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SM6T200CA-E3 52 | circuit protection | tvs bidir 600w 200v 5% smb 171v 190v 600w bidirectional surface mount do-214aa smb do-214aa (smb) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SMCJ170C-E3 57T | circuit protection | tvs bidirect 1.5kw 170v 10% smc 170v 189v 1500w bidirectional surface mount do-214ab smc do-214ab (smc) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SMCJ170CHE3 9AT | circuit protection | tvs 1.5kw unidir 170v 10% smc 170v 189v 1500w bidirectional surface mount do-214ab smc do-214ab (smc) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
RGF1J-E3 67A | discrete semiconductor | diode gpp 1a 600v 250ns do214ba standard 600v 1a 1.3v @ 1a fast recovery =< 500ns > 200ma (io) 250ns 5¦a @ 600v - surface mount do-214ba do-214ba digi-reel« | Yes | RFQ |
P6SMB20CAHE3 52 | circuit protection | tvs 600w 20v 5% bidir smb 17.1v 19v 600w bidirectional surface mount do-214aa smb do-214aa (smb) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SMB10J6 0AHE3 52 | circuit protection | tvs unidir 1kw 6.0v 5% smb 6v 6.67v 1000w unidirectional surface mount do-214aa smb do-214aa (smb) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
SMBG15CAHE3 52 | circuit protection | tvs bidir 600w 15v 5% smb 15v 16.7v 600w bidirectional surface mount do-215aa smb gull wing do-215aa tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
PTV9 1B-E3 85A | discrete semiconductor | diode zener 1.5w 9.1v smp 9.1v 1.5v @ 200ma 20¦a @ 6v * 600mw 6 ohm surface mount do-220aa do-220aa (smp) tape & reel (tr) | Yes | RFQ |
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